Urban Comatose CD cover
I’m very please to announce my 3rd CD release, Urban Comatose. The album will contain several of my latest works and it will be distributed through several new retail sources. I’ve catered to my audience demand in the U.K and (hopefully) they should have less trouble obtaining this release. More information as soon as the album clears manufacturing.

Whats next? Work on my 4th album has officially started. Additionally, several other projects continue to develope behind curtains. I will soon be arranging some cowriting sessions and it is my hope that it will lead to new exiting opportunities for the KaW project. It’s also very possible that a rebirth of OscillatorX may occur…

Lastly, I’m also happy to announce that Pete Ellison and I have worked together on an official “In The Groove” album that has a projected release in early 2006. Be sure to keep an eye out for this album. We are both very proud of the final master.

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Kyle A Ward

I love technology and enjoy developing interactive multimedia products.

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