Well, I’m back in one piece thankfully! :O Foy and I had a lot of fun attending the Euro World Championships and I’ve finally added some photos to my Flickr page!

The concert went very well and a big THANK YOU goes out to “The Lost Satellites” for providing a video for the people that couldn’t make it. You can view a video of the performance and additional freestyle video from Foy and I HERE –

It was great to see all the players from around Europe enjoying ITG. IT’s been really exciting watching ITG grow (from the small beta test machine at Ilussionz) to all different parts of the world. I was quite impressed with the players I saw and I do believe the skill levels are climbing rapidly. Thank you Europe and Positive Gaming. Machine Dance is here to stay! 🙂

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Kyle A Ward

I love technology and enjoy developing interactive multimedia products.

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